Monday, April 22, 2013

Products for March, April and May

There was a discount evening at Smaralind shopping mall earlier this year, as a ladies night, and a lot of stores offered awesome discounts, either on spesific types of products or on everything in the store. As I was running out of a few products I purchased these;

Body shop vitamin C facial scrub
Body shop nutricanics foaming facial wash
Doctor organics lip balm in pommengranate

The Vitamine C facial scrub is ok, not great and not awful, but sure there is a better facial scrub out there for me yet to try. Still have not tried the Nutricanics facial wash, as I have still not finished the old one, but that will happen in the next few days I think, so a rewiev soon. The Doctor organics lip balm, is not so good, too waxy for my taste, and not moisturising enough. 

So now a three month item-budget gone

Thank you for reading,

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Greece inspired dress

This even makes you look like the Greek national flag,

I like it, it reminds me of Greece;

Top from Zara - 7.995 ISK

Thank you for reading/looking,
