Sunday, December 30, 2012

New year, new blog and a new project

Welcome to my new blog, what I intend to blog about here is mainly beauty and more specifically to encourage myself to use the products I own already instead of rushing out to buy new ones (which end up unused in my collection).
Last year I made a new years resolution to buy less clothes, and blogged about it here (in Icelandic though - as it is my mother tongue). That new year resolution resulted in me buying other items than clothing that I had not spent so much money on before; namely make up products! The idea for this blog came when I was reading Christinas blog (pinksofoxy on youtube), who posted a post about her lifestyle makeover to buy only 10 items of make up in the year 2013. I decided to come with my own twist on the idea, and blog in English this year as I would be able to share my thoughts with a bigger group of people. 
I watch somewhat a lot of youtube videos on make up and read blogs about make up as well, and thus often come across new products that I would like to buy and use myself. Instead of buying I'm going to try to be inventive and find equivalent products within my own collection that I can use with the same or similar results as the ones I'm craving at that time. Also when I see new collections for each season I'll go through my own stuff and try to build my own version of that collection, based on colours. In the future I might even post a video on youtube or do a turtorial, a look on this blog or outfit of the day.

Disclaimer; I'm by no means a make up artist nor a stylist, only a regular girl interested in make up and clothes.

Thank you for reading,